
Dear Neighbors

I will be adding other “Logical Proofs” over the next few weeks and months, but thought I’d share a letter I felt led to write just after most of my neighbors were forced to stay home during the COVID-19 crisis in the Spring of this year (2020). I’m not sure why I felt led to share about the subject, but I hope that it was meant for someone that might benefit from my somewhat unique philosophy relating to the injustices that we sometimes face in this life.

I’m by no means a biblical scholar, but rather a business owner completing our 40th year in business, and much like the “Logical Proofs” I will be sharing on this website, this letter came from my personal experience and a more common sense approach. It makes sense to me, but if someone takes a different Biblical view, it doesn’t offend me nor alter my faith in Jesus Christ. I can in no way say with certainty that my view on this subject is absolutely correct, but I do believe that logic lends to it being at least a partial truth.

I hope as time allows in the future, to better explain my belief and how I came to this understanding, at least in my heart and mind. I truly hope it encourages someone and gives clarity if you’ve struggled with this in your own life. RH

Dear neighbor, I was thinking of what I might do to encourage others during these difficult times. I understand that everyone will not agree with my thoughts, but I truly hope you’ll read what I have felt led to share in this letter.

Something that hurts me greatly is when I hear someone refusing to accept God’s Love because they have been hurt or some injustice has happened in their life or someone’s they know, and they see that as a reflection of God’s lack of love for humanity. I wish I had time to address this in depth, but for now, I’d like to share one thought:

God only had two choices when he created us, to force us to worship him and thus be nothing more than Robots, or, to give us the “Free Will” to choose. I believe he chose to give us “Free Will” in spite of knowing the injustices, tragedies, and sufferings we all would face because He knew that without us having a “Choice”, there could not be true love! And I believe that was what he so desperately wanted from us from the beginning, our “Love”. Here’s my point: Yes, God did make a decision that he knew would bring those injustices to us all, but at the same time he made that decision, he made another, even harder, decision;

To one day send His only Son to this world to suffer those same injustices!

God knew that sending his Son to Earth would result in Jesus being rejected, spit upon, beaten unmercifully, and nailed to a Cross – to die for our sins. Yet, he still sent him! For he knew it was the only way we could escape this life and spend eternity with Christ, where there will be no more injustice, no more hurt, no more Death!

My daughter teaches the children in our church, and occasionally when she needs me to fill in for her, I try to remind the children of what God was willing to do in giving his only Son, and what Jesus was willing to suffer for each of them. And I always close with this statement, “Whenever you have doubts, and when you come to that place in your life that you ask “WHY”, or, HOW COULD A LOVING GOD…, just remember, God’s Love and Christ’s’ sacrifice trumps any questions we can ever have.”    

There are 60+ churches in Pulaski County Live Streaming, Facebooking, or airing a pre-recorded worship service on Sundays. If you have no regular church, the link to my church’s Live Stream is  (Select “Watch Online” and then “iCampus” to view live at 10:30AM every Sunday, or, instead of Watch Online, you can select “Past Messages” at any time, then “Fruit of the Spirit”, then Week 3 to watch “Finding Joy in Difficult Times”, or week 4 “Finding Peace”, or select any of our past services you wish). If you have another preference, I encourage you to search online for Live Streams or Facebook any church you may prefer.

In Christ, Richard Humble