One of the greatest logical explanations of why Christ had to be who he says he was is the story of Saul, who we know as the Apostle Paul.
Category: Posts
Dear Neighbors
I will be adding other “Logical Proofs” over the next few weeks and months, but thought I’d share a letter I felt led to write just after most of my neighbors were forced to stay home during the COVID-19 crisis in the Spring of this year (2020). I’m not sure why I felt led to share about the subject, but I hope that it was meant for someone that might benefit from my somewhat unique philosophy relating to the injustices that we sometimes face in this life.
I’m by no means a biblical scholar, but rather a business owner completing our 40th year in business, and much like the “Logical Proofs” I will be sharing on this website, this letter came from my personal experience and a more common sense approach. It makes sense to me, but if someone takes a different Biblical view, it doesn’t offend me nor alter my faith in Jesus Christ. I can in no way say with certainty that my view on this subject is absolutely correct, but I do believe that logic lends to it being at least a partial truth.
I hope as time allows in the future, to better explain my belief and how I came to this understanding, at least in my heart and mind. I truly hope it encourages someone and gives clarity if you’ve struggled with this in your own life. RH